A little about us

For fifteen years Bernie’s has been known for it’s fresh oysters, steamed shrimp, fried oysters and homemade gumbo. Stop by and grab some of the most incredible seafood you’ll ever taste.

Bernie’s has become a tradition for those seeking an authentic oyster house experience. Why oysters? People have been eating oysters longer than we’ve been recording history. North American’s wealth of oyster beds and the development of canning and transportation led to a boom in oysters in the 1800’s to early 1900’s – and the growth of oyster taverns, oyster saloons and oyster parlors. Georgia, with it’s 100-mile salt marsh coastline, was one of the main players in the oyster industry. The popularity of oysters eventually led to over-harvesting, reducing the natural harvest and leaving to oysters being known today as a delicacy.

A.Y.C.E OYSTERS! Raw or steamed you shuck’em!
1-4pm13 Tybrisa street